Jade and Amber Oolong Tea
Introducing Three Iron Goddess Styles

Tieguanyin Wang Tea - Jade and Amber Oolong

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Experience the pure and blissful aroma of these three jade oolong teas.

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iron goddessThe word "jade oolong" is a Western invention. It is used to describe fragrant oolong tea, where the yellowish-green leaves are said to resemble a piece of jade.

Similarly, amber oolong refers to more oxidized oolong.

Iron Goddess tea can be 15% to 30% oxidized. It now comes in many varieties. Broadly speaking, there are three fragrant styles.

The New Styles (called Yunxiang and Qingxiang) are more lightly oxidized. The aroma is high and refined. For the very high grades, it can be like exquisite perfume.

The Traditional Style (called Nongxiang) is 30% oxidized. The aroma is lower frequency and thicker. Mouthfeel is stronger, more masculine and robust, with a longer aftertaste.

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