Jade and Amber Oolong Tea
Introducing Three Iron Goddess Styles

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Experience the pure and blissful aroma of these three jade oolong teas.

The word "jade oolong" is a Western invention. It is used to describe fragrant oolong tea, where the yellowish-green leaves are said to resemble a piece of jade.
Similarly, amber oolong refers to more oxidized oolong.
Iron Goddess tea can be 15% to 30% oxidized. It now comes in many varieties. Broadly speaking, there are three fragrant styles.
The New Styles (called Yunxiang and Qingxiang) are more lightly oxidized. The aroma is high and refined. For the very high grades, it can be like exquisite perfume.
The Traditional Style (called Nongxiang) is 30% oxidized. The aroma is lower frequency and thicker. Mouthfeel is stronger, more masculine and robust, with a longer aftertaste.
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If you are not sure which one to buy, the best way to sample all the grades below is to get the Mixed 5-in-1 Sampler.
Amber AA Grade (Nongxiang Style, Autumn 2020) - 48 grams
Nongxiang means "thick fragrance". This is the traditional style of making Iron Goddess tea.
For an everyday tea, Amber AA grade is perfect. The dry leaves are a beautiful jade. The aroma is a delightful floral - hovering on your palate like a blossoming flower.
Durability is good, lasting 3 to 5 infusions.
We have tested many teas, and haven't found a better jade oolong tea at this price point. Most Taiwanese Dongting or Darjeeling Oolong teas are some way behind.
Jade AAA Grade (Qingxiang Style, Autumn 2020) - 48 grams
Qingxiang is the least oxidized style with the highest frequency aroma.
It has a powerful cup aroma. After brewing, breathe deeply to enjoy the amazing fragrance.
Maturation has an big impact of her flavors.
Early in the season, her body can be sharp and thin. Durability is excellent lasting up to 5 to 7 infusions.
After one year, she becomes more feminine, seductive and pure, with a harmonious roundedness. Sometimes the fragrance soars so high that you can feel it right at the back of the nose - like drinking a shot of whiskey!
Jade Jipin (Yunxiang Style, Autumn 2020) - 48 grams
Tea tasting is a journey into the unknown. Until you taste it, you don't know what to expect. This Jipin grade combines the best of the mouthfeel and aroma of the two previous jade oolongs.
Admire the tea liquor creamy texture. It glows with a greenish-yellow, as if you are drinking a fine wine.
The body is strong with a sweet, long aftertaste. The aroma lacks the perfumery of the King grades, but is robust, consistent and durable.
After sipping, watch your own mind. Notice how calm it has become. Feel the sense of perfection. There is no way to go. Just right here, right now.
Admire the wet leaves. Notice how large and wholesome they are.
Make sure you have the whole day to drink it - it can last up to 9 infusions!
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The five most detailed customer reviews relating to this product are shown below.Reviews:

By Stig (Copenhagen). 12/15/2007
Right after pouring hot water over the leaves I found a faint trace of fried egg (from the roasting?), before the floral notes take over and lasting a while after. And a little later I sensed a whiff of something (maybe remotely like naphtalene?) reminiscent of my grandmother's linen press (I wonder why the scents evoke memories of my grandparents - possibly because their daily world was dominated by natural processes?).
And then the dark green foliage and the chrysanthemes take over. The Iron Goddess tea has a fragrance that evokes my grandfather's green fields in a dewy spring morning, and the fresh clovers of my childhood's lawn. (I rarely taste them now - have I grown too wise or too conservative?).
It also recalls memories of an orchid (Cymbidium grandiflorium) that I have tasted in a mildly bitter-hot stew in Bhutan (which I have visited a number of times), maybe with hints of chrysanthemum and stinging nettle (quite pungent in a soup - in earlier times part of a po

By Shane (Myerstown). 12/15/2007
I received my Iron Goddess tea and I am just blown away by this tea. This is the first oolong I have tried and it is now a favorite. The smell is just so pure and fresh, the leaves bright and colorful and the taste! Well, you are right, it is almost intoxicating.
I use about a 4 oz ceramic cup for sipping my tea and thus far the most I have had in a session is four quality infusions, though I am positive it could have continued on another 2 or 3 for sure. I just tend to get full after drinking that much in a row but the way I feel afterwards is just indescribable. Just as if my life force was intensified; so much stamina and energy yet I still slept peacefully at night. Simply amazing.
As I said before I have only previously dealt with sevencups and their Silver Needle, which I love, and have not tried any of their other teas at this point so i have no other experience to base theory on. I do know for sure that my next order from you will be the 250 gram bulk! because thi

By John (Canada). 04/15/2008
I received my package about 3 weeks ago. It is absolutely amazing.
I was put on to you by our mutual friend ... He sent me a sample package and I was hooked. Quite honestly I was never much of a tea drinker in the past - no flavour, bitter, smelled funny or smelled artificial. But when I tried the Iron Goddess and Dragonwell, I was stunned.
I pretty much have about 3-5 cups a day - with the same leaves! I just keep infusing - pretty amazing, that it lasts so long. Everyone that comes over to visit I make a pot and as soon as they taste it they want to know where it came from. Everyone says the Iron Goddess (AAA) smells like jasmine.
The Dragonwell tea has such a beautiful nutty flavour and smell. I have given away a few packages to my mother in law, neighbours, sister. Actually my sister put an order in with you and she is enjoying it as well.
So to answer your question - I would rate it a 5 out of 5, and I try to push and endorse your tea, to whoever enjoys

By Hoang (Maryland). 08/14/2011
When rating a tea, I think one should also consider the price factor.
For ten dollars, the quality is superb and if you can find a company that can match price and quality, then you must have some seriously killer source. A lot companies doesn't even tell you the grade or where it comes from they just list it as "Tie Guan Yin".
I have tried all three grades from (AA), ( AAA) and Jinpin. Each grades gets better and better and I have reviewed all of them. The taste is excellent for value and the fragrant is there, but not as floral as the next two higher grade.
I would say this a basic everyday drink that is satisfying and it lasts up to 4-5 infusions which makes it even more cost effective!
I have recommended this to a few of my family members already and made some purchases for them as well.
If you are on a budget this will be more then good enough as you still get the fresh aroma, taste and wonderful feeling after you drink it.
Also did

By Hoang (Maryland). 08/14/2011
I only write reviews if I actually care enough for a company or if they did something that I really disliked. This tea is amazing I literally infused it up to 9 times! I think I could of done a 10th, but decided not to because I didn't have the time.
The fragrance is lovely and the taste is smooth. The silky pungent liquid smoothly glides pass your throat putting you in a trance like state. I feel so relaxed after drinking a few cups that it makes me want to meditate even though I don't meditate or practice it.
A tea that can be infused up to 9 times shows that it is truly a quality product and being able to infuse it 9 times also helps with the cost.
As Julian's description says, "make sure you have the whole day to drink this" because if you don't infuse it up to 9 times I would think that it would be a shameful waste.
As I've stated in my other Tie Guan Yin Wang reviews, the packaging cannot get any better. They put so much thoughts and effort into w
All Iron Goddess teas have been vacuum-packed into 8-gram bags that will keep fresh up to 2 years.
They are convenient to store and brew. You only open the bags when you are brewing the tea. You can also take them with you when you go traveling.
Maturation and Aging
We only sell the latest crop harvested in the previous mid-October.
It takes up to 3 months for the tea to mature and the flavors to fully emerge. After that, further aging may cause the tea to be sweeter and more rounded, at the expense of durability.
How to Brew
Unlike the lower grades that turn bitter easily, Shen's teas are highly versatile and perform well under high temperature and long steeping time.
Brewing oolong tea requires high concentration. A good starting point is to use 3.5 grams of tea leaves (half a bag) with 4 ounces (120 milliliters) of water.
First rinse tea leaves quickly with hot boiling water to help the leaves open and "wake up"!.
For first brewing, use boiling water. Steep for 1 to 2 minutes.
Infuse 3 to 9 times. Gradually increase steeping time for later infusions.
Which Vessel?
When brewing a jade oolong, a hard vessel such as a white porcelain gaiwan is recommended as it accentuates the high frequency aroma.
Gongfu tea drinkers may use a hard-roasted red clay (Zhuni) tea pot.
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