Huangshan Maofeng Green Tea (Organic)
Enchanting Orchid Fragrance

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Regarded by many as the third best Chinese green tea, she has a medium body and an amazing orchid fragrance. Both AAA and A grades have been certified organic.
To me, she is a tea that holds great surprises.
We first started selling her in 2008. It was a runaway success. Customers keep writing back to tell me how much they enjoy her as an everyday beverage.
The next year, we discovered the AAA grade. She is incredible, with such an enchanting aroma that is unimaginable for a high grade green.
You can learn about these two grades by clicking on the "Grades" tab.
But first, let me share with you a few things I know about the Huangshan Maofeng tea.
What does Huangshan Maofeng mean in Chinese?
The word "Huangshan" means Yellow Mountain - the Mountain that has given birth to 4 of China's 10 Famous Teas.
The word "Maofeng" means hairy mountain peak.
It refers to the silvery downy hairs that cover tippy end of a tea bud, which is so pointed that it resembles the sharp contour of a Yellow Mountain peak.
The story of this special tea is inseparable from her inventor - tea merchant Xie Zhengan, who inherited tea company Xieyutai from his forefathers.
A major tycoon of his time, Xie Zhengan was a tea master in his own right.
At around 1875, he selected tea buds from a village in Fuxi and started making Huangshan Maofeng. It was an instant success. He became the richest man in Yellow Mountain and owned nine tea shops around China.
Today, this tea is regarded as the third best Chinese green tea, after Longjing tea and Biluochun tea.
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Chinese tea textbooks often describe a high grade tea as having fat buds, pointed tips and white downy hairs. There is one thing they often leave out: orchid fragrance.
There are two types of green tea aroma: artificial and natural.
Artificial fragrances are easy to detect. They can be absorbed by mixing leaves with flowers (such as a jasmine green) or pan-roasting in a wok (such as a Longjing).
The natural fragrance is only present in a high grade and is more subtle. The floral aroma is light and exquisite. It only emerges fully during the second infusion.
AAA Grade (April 2024. Organic Certified) - 50 grams (Out of Stock)
What makes this AAA grade's orchid fragrance special is that she is strong and full, and yet retains a certain purity and exquisiteness. Unlike most other high grades, you are unlikely to miss it even if you are new to drinking Authentic green tea.
For the first infusion, observe how the tippy buds stay suspend mid-air, dancing their way down.
Second infusion is the best. Feel the orchid fragrance filling up your upper palate. It started off as an hay-like aroma that gradually opens up like a a flower at your upper palate.
The sensation is thick and strong, yet exquisite and pure. The feeling lingers, with such sweetness and roundedness that make it really satisfying.
A Grade (May 2024. Organic Certified) - 100 grams
For a long time, I searched for the perfect everyday tea, especially for those with a small budget.
This A grade is by far the best I have found. And lots of customers are writing to tell me the same. Her body is rich and fragrant, making her pleasant to drink.
Use 2 to 3 grams of leaves each time in 8 ounces of water (225 milliliters). She lasts at least 3 infusions.
Organic Certified
Both AAA and A grades are grown in Fuxi, the birthplace of authentic Huangshan Maofeng tea.
They are produced by the pre-eminent company in Fuxi and have been certified organic.
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The five most detailed customer reviews relating to this product are shown below.Reviews:

By John (Washington)
As a novice tea taster, I cannot say I have any foundation beyond Lipton, Costco green teas, and other such cheap green teas. The main reason for consuming was health benefits; however, in making big batches, I had to suck down a bitter flavor that was becoming old quickly.
After doing a great deal of research into regions and types of green tea (including processing) for health benefits (not on this website), I came across Amazing Green Tea website. This discovery has truly been amazing in that it evokes an appreciate for the world of tea and all the variety of textures and flavors.
Huangshan Maofeng was purchased as a beginner green tea for me due to how cheap it was; yet, it turned out to the best I had ever had, even better than the more expensive Baihao Yinzhen 2011 (AAA Grade) that was much more money. The creamy texture is what did it beyond the fruity flavor of the Yinzhen. I love it! I'm looking forward to trying more teas from this website. So far they are amaz

By David (Winnipeg)
I am enjoying the Huangshan Maofeng 2010 A grade as my everyday tea right now.
The colour of the buds is a wonderful deep emerald green, they are long and slender and expand quite a lot while brewing.
The smell of the tea when you first open the package is quite wonderful, very fresh and grassy, like a really good matcha. I am always tempted to smell the tea when I open the package!
The brewed tea has a very elusive green/yellow colour depending on the light. Sometimes more green than yellow, other times, more yellow than green.
It is fragrant yet not overpowering, and stands up well to multiple infusions.
I find the key to maximum flavour is to use just off boiling water (similar to Dragon Well), as lower temperature water produces a weaker tea lacking some of the depth and complexity that the hotter water produces.
The price is very good as well for such a nice drinkable tea. I have recommended it to others as a very good quality well p

By James (Honolulu)
My One-Stop shopping for the best green tea in the world. Many different green teas to choose from. Some Less expensive, some a little bit more. But definitely the best tasting and most uplifting green tea I've been able to get anywhere. I'm a return and committed loyal customer.
Great tea. I get this one because I like to drink a lot of green tea and this puts it more at my affordability level.
I boil 2 cups of water in the microwave and then steep 3g's tea for about 7 minutes. I like it a little strong/astringent. I then pour it over ice and have it for the rest of the day or until i need to make more.
(I know it sacrilege to ice it down but its hot where I live and often goes down better cold--I drink it hot too).
I like the aroma of this tea--assertive roasted green tea goodness. Steeps to a golden yellow and makes you feel fine.
Always good teas from Julian and his friends at the amazing green tea web site.

By Warren (Ontario)
Julian, I just got the A grade Huangshan Maofeng today and I'm very impressed.
I steeped it for 5 minutes at 90 C and it couldn't have come out better. It's hard to describe but the liqour has a thickness to it. It slides down my throat and has an amazing aroma.
I'm just getting into tea and while I was waiting for your order to arrive from China (I'm in Canada) I purchased a whole bunch of 25g varieties from a "premium" tea shop in my city.
Out of the 10 or so different tea combinations I've tried from them I would say that only one of them beats this tea...and of course it was over double the price. Well done! I will keep my eye on your future offerings!
For the price I would rate it a 5 but purely on taste and quality I would rate it a 4. Thanks so much.

By Annmary (Georgetown)
I love the flavour of the Huangshan Maofeng tea, and am amazed that it can be so economical! Recently, I got sick with a flu that took away my appetite, even for tea, for two weeks. When my desire for tea returned, I brewed up some of this tea, and noticed something special: I had been feeling quite low, and could not get rid of a headache. As soon as I had drunk my tea, I was conscious of an all over gentle uplift, and my headache medication started to work. Having gone without tea for a period, I believe that I was like a clean slate, as it were, and keenly noticed the great benefit and after-feeling of drinking my green tea! As a bonus, I can always make 3 good infusions, even with this economical tea, w! hich does not go bitter, even when left to brew longer than normally.
Huangshan Maofeng tea should be brewed the same way as the Dragon Well tea by infusing a small amount of leaves in high temperature water for as long as it takes.
Huangshan Maofeng A Grade
For the A grade, you have to take more care. She can be sensitive to high temperature at the second infusion. When using boiling water, make sure you infuse no longer than 30 seconds for the second infusion.
For further information about packaging, brewing, maturation and storage, read Dragon Well Tea - Further Guide.
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